Sunday, April 21, 2013

Feels like yesterday
when excitement was all it was,
when all I knew was, I gonna be away for a while,
Among new people, I landed with a smile.

Feels like yesterday
when paper replaced the auto wash hose,
When sniffing had to be changed to publicly blowing the nose,
When AC's were replaced by blowers,
Apprehensive of what would I eat in the land of potato growers.

Feels like yesterday
When planning the next trip became the most thrilling thing to do,
New cuisines, trillions of lovely experiences soon ensued.
when I realized how important the aquaintances-turned-awesome friends had become,
when the most common words I got to hear were meeple and cheeky bum.

Feels like yesterday
When clouds and rain were no more pleasing,
When sun was the best pal, whilst it was freezing.
When riding a bike was no more a status quo,
Rather my favorite means to travel more so.

Feels like yesterday
When trying variety cuisines became delighting for someone diffident,
When for punctuality I became more vigilant.
When a new craze for theme parties had begun,
When board games and poker nights were so much fun.

With such admirable memories of this beautiful world
Where I flew like a free bird
Such beautiful bunch of people that I met
Signing off would not be easy, I bet
A thread that has become the most memorable part of my life
Though its been 2 years
But, I'd still say
it still feels like yesterday..